Sprite 1984 - 1993
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# utils.tk
# These are convenience procedures that ease construction of
# buttons, listboxes, etc. They define all the colors of the
# widgets based on a set of complementary colors that can
# be defined externally. (See also colors.tk.)
# Buttons
# buttonFrame
# simpleButton
# packedButton
# packedCheckButton
# packedRadioButton
# Menu
# basicMenu
# packedMenuButton
# Scrollbar
# basicScrollbar
# Listbox
# labeledListbox
# unixCommandListbox
# Entry
# labeledEntry
# commandEntry
# labeledEntryWithDefault
# Feedback
# feedbackSetup
# feedback
# Toplevel
# notifier
# Message
# unixCommandMessageButton
# unixCommandMessage
# to_tx - insert characters into the tx command stream. This is used to
# feed commands to the csh running in the tx that started this program.
proc to_tx {str} {
puts stdout "\33insert \"$str\\n\"\n"
# selfName - determine the name of a nested widget
# parent is either "." or ".foo.bar"
# name is ".zork"
proc selfName { parent name } {
if {[string compare $parent "."] == 0} {
set self $name
} else {
set self $parent$name
return $self
# Default font for buttons, labels, menus
set buttonFont fixed
set labelFont fixed
set menuFont fixed
set entryFont fixed
# Default colors.
# See also colors.tk for a better setColorCube
set backgroundColor #cb02dd
set paleBackground #ffceff
set foregroundColor black
set passiveColor #eeadf3
set activeColor #f154ff
proc setColorCube { foo } { }
proc getColorCube { } { }
# buttonFrame creates a frame that is designed to hold a row of buttons
proc buttonFrame { parent {name .buttons} {border 10} } {
global backgroundColor
set self [selfName $parent $name]
set color [format #%02x%02x%02x 240 128 0]
frame $self -borderwidth $border -background $backgroundColor
pack append $parent $self {top fillx}
return $self
# packedButton adds a button to a row of buttons
proc packedButton { parent name label command {position left} {color default} } {
global foregroundColor activeColor passiveColor
global buttonFont
set savedColor [getColorCube]
if {[string compare $color "default"] != 0} {
setColorCube $color
set self [selfName $parent $name]
button $self -text $label -command $command \
-font $buttonFont \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activebackground $activeColor \
-activeforeground $passiveColor
pack append $parent $self $position
setColorCube $savedColor
return $self
# simpleButton makes some simplifying assumptions - similar to packedButton
proc simpleButton { label command {position left} {color default} } {
global foregroundColor activeColor passiveColor
set savedColor [getColorCube]
if {[string compare $color "default"] != 0} {
setColorCube $color
set self [selfName $parent $name]
button $self -text $label -command $command \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activebackground $activeColor
pack append $parent $self $position
setColorCube $savedColor
return $self
# packedCheckButton
proc packedCheckButton { parent name label command { variable selectedButton } {position left} } {
global passiveColor foregroundColor activeColor
set self [selfName $parent $name]
checkbutton $self -text $label -command $command \
-variable $variable \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activebackground $activeColor \
-selector $activeColor
pack append $parent $self $position
return $self
# packedRadioButton
proc packedRadioButton { parent name label command { variable selectedButton } {position left} } {
global passiveColor foregroundColor activeColor
set self [selfName $parent $name]
radiobutton $self -text $label -command $command \
-variable $variable \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activebackground $activeColor \
-selector $activeColor
pack append $parent $self $position
return $self
# Basic Menu
proc basicMenu { name } {
global foregroundColor
global activeColor
global backgroundColor
global paleBackground
global passiveColor
global menuFont
set self [menu $name -font $menuFont \
-selector $activeColor \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activeforeground $paleBackground \
-activebackground $activeColor]
return $self
# packedMenuButton adds a menubutton to a row of buttons
proc packedMenuButton { parent name label menu {position left} {color default} } {
global foregroundColor activeColor passiveColor paleBackground
global menuFont
set savedColor [getColorCube]
if {[string compare $color "default"] != 0} {
setColorCube $color
set self [selfName $parent $name]
menubutton $self -text $label -menu $menu \
-relief raised \
-font $menuFont \
-background $passiveColor \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-activebackground $activeColor \
-activeforeground $paleBackground
pack append $parent $self $position
setColorCube $savedColor
return $self
# menuAndButton
proc menuAndButton { menubar name label {where {left}} } {
set menu [basicMenu $menubar${name}Menu]
packedMenuButton $menubar ${name}Buttton $label $menu $where
return $menu
# basicScrollbar
proc basicScrollbar { parent command
{where {left filly frame w}}
{name .scroll} } {
global passiveColor activeColor paleBackground backgroundColor
set self [scrollbar $parent$name -command "$command" \
-background $backgroundColor \
-foreground $passiveColor \
-activeforeground $activeColor]
pack append $parent $self $where
# labeledListbox creates a listbox that has a label above it
proc labeledListbox { parent name
{text "Label"} {geometry 10x5} {position left} } {
global passiveColor activeColor paleBackground
set self [selfName $parent $name]
frame $self -background $passiveColor
label $self.label -text $text -background $passiveColor
scrollbar $self.scroll -command "$self.list view" \
-background $paleBackground -foreground $passiveColor \
-activeforeground $activeColor
listbox $self.list -geometry $geometry -scroll "$self.scroll set" \
-background $paleBackground -selectbackground $activeColor
pack append $parent $self "$position"
pack append $self $self.label {top} $self.scroll {right filly} $self.list {left expand fill}
return $self
# labeledEntry creates an entry that has a label to its left
proc labeledEntry { parent name {label "Entry:"} {width 20} {where {left} }} {
global foregroundColor backgroundColor paleBackground
global passiveColor activeColor
global labelFont entryFont
set self [selfName $parent $name]
# Geometry and Packing
frame $self -borderwidth 2 -background $backgroundColor -relief raised
label $self.label -text $label -background $paleBackground -font $labelFont
entry $self.entry -width $width -font $entryFont \
-background $paleBackground \
-foreground $foregroundColor \
-selectforeground $passiveColor \
-selectbackground $activeColor
pack append $parent $self $where
pack append $self $self.label {left} \
$self.entry {right fillx expand}
$self.entry cursor 0
return $self
# commandEntry --
# An entry widget for entering commands
proc commandEntry { parent { width 20 } { where {bottom fillx expand} } } {
set self [labeledEntry $parent .command "Command:" $width $where]
bind $self.entry <Return> "eval \[$self.entry get\]"
return $self
# Entry with default value remembered in /tmp/file
proc defaultGeneric { parent name default } {
if [file exists /tmp/$parent/$name] {
return [exec cat /tmp/$parent/$name]
} else {
if {! [file isdirectory /tmp/$parent]} {
exec mkdir /tmp/$parent
exec echo $default > /tmp/$parent/$name
return [exec cat /tmp/$parent/$name]
proc labeledEntryWithDefault { parent name label width default {where {bottom} } } {
set widget [labeledEntry $parent $name $label $width $where]
proc default$name { } "return \[defaultGeneric $parent $name $default\]"
proc get$name { } "return \[lindex \[$widget.entry get\] 0\]"
$widget.entry insert 0 [default$name]
bind $widget.entry <Return> "
set fileID \[open /tmp/$parent/$name w\]
puts \$fileID \[get$name\]
close \$fileID
# puts stdout \$parent: Remembering $name \[get$name\]\"
# feedback
# Create a frame to hold messages, and define a procedure to display them.
# The feedback procedure will be named
# feedback$parent (e.g., feedback.foo)
proc feedbackSetup { parent name {width 58} {border 6} } {
global backgroundColor paleBackground
global _feedbackWidget
set self [selfName $parent $name]
frame $self -borderwidth 2 -background $backgroundColor -relief raised
entry $self.entry -width $width -background $paleBackground
pack append $self $self.entry {left fillx expand}
pack append $parent $self {left fillx expand}
# Define a per-call procedure to allow for multiple feedback widgets
proc feedback$parent { text } "
$self.entry delete 0 end ;
$self.entry insert 0 \$text ;
# Save the name of the feedback entry for simple clients
set _feedbackWidget $self.entry
return $self
proc feedback { text } {
global _feedbackWidget
$_feedbackWidget delete 0 end
$_feedbackWidget insert 0 $text
# notifier
proc notifier {name title text {font fixed} } {
global paleBackground $name
if {[info exists $name] && [expr {[string compare [set $name] 1] == 0}] } {
destroy $name
set $name 0
return ""
} else {
toplevel $name
set $name 1
wm title $name $title
buttonFrame $name
packedButton $name.buttons .quit "Quit" "destroy $name" left
message $name.msg -aspect 300 -font $font -text $text -background $paleBackground
pack append $name $name.msg {top expand}
return $name
# unixCommandMessageButton -
# A button that runs a UNIX command and puts it output in a message widget
proc unixCommandMessageButton { parent name label title args} {
set self [selfName $parent $name]
set cmd "unixCommandMessage $name \"$title\" "
foreach a $args {
set cmd [concat $cmd $a]
packedButton $parent $name $label $cmd
return $self
# unixCommandMessage -
# Exec a UNIX command and put the output in a message widget
proc unixCommandMessage {name title args} {
toplevel $name
wm title $name $title
frame $name.buttons -borderwidth 10 -background \
[format "#%02x%02x%02x" 128 128 200]
pack append $name $name.buttons {top fillx}
packedButton $name.buttons .quit "Quit" "destroy $name" left
message $name.msg -aspect 300 -font fixed -text [eval exec $args]
pack append $name $name.msg {top expand}
return $name
# unixCommandListbox -
# Exec a UNIX command and put the output in a labeledListbox
proc unixCommandListbox {name title label args} {
toplevel $name
wm title $name $title
buttonFrame $name
packedButton $name.buttons .quit "Quit" "destroy $name" left
labeledListbox $name .dir $label 20x15 left
foreach i [eval exec $args] {
$name.dir.list insert end $i
return $name
# These are additions to the entry widget bindings that rightfully
# belong in tk.tcl, but I don't want folks to have to modify that.
# These add mxedit-like bindings to entry widgets.
# The procedure below is invoked to delete the character to the right
# of the cursor in an entry widget.
proc tk_entryDelRight w {
set x [$w index cursor]
if {$x != -1} {$w delete $x}
# proc to move the cursor in an entry back one character
proc tk_entryBack1char w {
set x [$w index cursor]
$w cursor [incr x -1]
# proc to move the cursor in an entry forward one character
proc tk_entryForw1char w {
set x [$w index cursor]
$w cursor [incr x +1]
# proc to move the cursor in an entry to the end of the line
proc tk_entryEndOfLine w {
$w cursor end
# The procedure below is invoked to backspace over one character
# in an entry widget. The name of the widget is passed as argument.
proc tk_entryBackspace w {
set x [expr {[$w index cursor] - 1}]
if {$x != -1} {$w delete $x}
# The procedure below is invoked to backspace over one word in an
# entry widget. The name of the widget is passed as argument.
proc tk_entryBackword w {
set string [$w get]
set curs [expr [$w index cursor]-1]
if {$curs < 0} return
for {set x $curs} {$x > 0} {incr x -1} {
if {([string first [string index $string $x] " \t"] < 0)
&& ([string first [string index $string [expr $x-1]] " \t"]
>= 0)} {
# puts stdout "x is $x, string is \"$string\""
$w delete $x $curs
# Binding stuff from /project/tk/demos/widget
# The procedures below provide behavior for widgets like
# entries and menus and menubuttons. Eventually all of this
# behavior should be built into the widgets, so that this
# code becomes unnecessary.
proc bindEntry args {
foreach w $args {
bind $w <Any-KeyPress> {%W insert cursor "%A"}
bind $w <space> {%W insert cursor " "}
bind $w <ButtonPress-2> {puts stdout "character [%W index @%x]\n"}
bind $w <Delete> {entryBackspace %W}
bind $w <BackSpace> {entryBackspace %W}
bind $w <Control-h> {entryBackspace %W}
bind $w <Control-l> {entryDelRight %W}
bind $w <Control-w> {entryBackword %W}
bind $w <ButtonPress-1> {%W cursor @%x; focus %W; %W select from @%x}
bind $w <B1-Motion> {%W select to @%x}
bind $w <Shift-1> {%W select adjust @%x}
bind $w <Shift-B1-Motion> {%W select to @%x}
bind $w <ButtonPress-3> {%W scan mark %x}
bind $w <B3-Motion> {%W scan dragto %x}
bind $w <Control-d> {%W delete sel.first sel.last}
bind $w <Control-v> {%W insert cursor [selection get]}
bind $w <Control-u> {%W delete 0 end}
proc bindMenu args {
foreach w $args {
bind $w <Any-Enter> "$w activate @%y"
bind $w <Any-Leave> "$w activate none"
bind $w <Any-Motion> "$w activate @%y"
bind $w <ButtonRelease-1> "$w invoke active"
proc bindMenuButton args {
foreach w $args {
bind $w <Enter> "$w activate"
bind $w <B1-Enter> "$w activate; $w config -relief sunken; $w post"
bind $w <B1-Leave> "$w deactivate; $w config -relief raised"
bind $w <Shift-B1-Leave> "$w deactivate; $w config -relief raised"
bind $w <Leave> "$w deactivate"
bind $w <1> "$w config -relief sunken; $w post"
bind $w <Shift-1> "$w.m post %X %Y"
bind $w <ButtonRelease-1> "$w config -relief raised; $w unpost"
bind $w <Shift-B1-Motion> "$w.m post %X %Y"
proc entryBackspace win {
set x [expr {[$win index cursor] - 1}]
if {$x != -1} {$win delete $x}
proc entryDelRight win {
set x [$win index cursor]
if {$x != -1} {$win delete $x}
proc entryBackword win {
set contents [$win get]
set x [expr {[$win index cursor] - 1}]
for { } {$x>=0} {set x [expr $x-1]} {
set c [string index $contents $x]
if {$c != " "} {
$win delete $x
} else {
$win delete $x
# traceprint
proc traceprint { name op oldValue newValue } {
puts stdout [concat $name " " $op " " $oldValue " " $newValue "\n"]
return $newValue